Saturday, November 15, 2008

Going For A Ride

We have been having some pretty nice weather. So Carter and I have been taking our lexus stroller for walks whenever we can. We got him this hat so he can look around while we are strollin'. Sometimes we walk all the way to daddy's work. (It is about 3 miles) and then daddy gives us a ride home. Its pretty fun.

Oh and just so everyone knows, Carter slept im his crib last night by himself, almost all night. He only woke up once. I had to check on him to make sure he was still alive. That is horrible to say, but the past couple of nights, he has woken up every two hours on the dot. So it was a change. But he did so good. We have been getting on a schedule of this...
We wake up around 7, and Carter kicks for about an hour and then he is ready to take a nap. So we both go and take naps for about another 1-2 hours. It is so nice. And then he helps me cook, and clean and shopping and whatever else we need to do.


Natalie said...

Holy cow, what a cutie. I love the picture in the middle... it totally reminds me of Dev. :)

Brooke Monk said...

Yay for sleep! So, I'm going grocery shopping at Winco today so I'll be right by your house...maybe I'll stop by!