Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nobody Asked me

This is what Carter thinks about moving to Utah. Well it is true. Devin got offered a job in the Church office building as a budget man for the audio visual department. So we will be moving to SLC at the end of this month. Sad I know buddy, I feel the same way. So we are searching for somewhere to live. Usually I like moving, just like my mom. Ha ha. But I love Idaho Falls- Our Family and friends are here, and I love our apartment. But I will be a good wife and go where I need to.

Oh and some other good news... Haha Devin had unexpected Knee surgery this last saturday and will now be on crutches for six weeks. So It will be Carter and I doing the moving... Ya...

Carter may be sad to move, but he is way excited for Christmas. He knows that Santa is coming... And he has already came to our house and put presents under the tree. :-)


Duncan Family said...

Hey Andrea...just posting real quick so you have my blog spot. :) See ya!

Lindsay said...

Carter is adorable- I heard you two had a little boy! Good luck in SLC- I wish I was there to help with the move; tell Devin that he needs to stop using his knee to get out of things :-) (I found your blog thorugh Jesse and Emily's blog hope you don't mind!)
